
The ten strategies that we have referred to in the previous section are the following ones:

Commercial Excellence – Market Strategy – Management by Volume and by Margin


  • Define a sales strategy that allows us to meet the budgeted sales and contribution goals, through a sustainable expansion of market share and gross margin, promoting solutions that satisfy and even anticipate customer needs.

  • Solving the ‘hedgehog’ dilemma, or the intersection between:

    1. What kinds of products do we «like to make»? It might be because:

      1. How our facilities are prepared.

      2. The type of market in which we operate.

      3. Our competition.

      4. Our history.

      5. Others.

    2. In what products or types of products, strategies, etc., are we really the best?

    3. What acts as a company engine from a sales point of view?

  • In other words or terms, what is our profitable competition in terms of company, product and / or service, that we want to keep and for which we are willing to fight?

  • Define and implement the human and material resources to carry out all of the above.

Separation between margin products and volume products
  • Define the value proposition and develop tools that allow its effective presentation to clients. Discover what they need and want.

  • Definition and management of volume and margin products and markets.

  • Implementation of sales networks adapted to the markets and type of product.

  • Identify and explore new potential markets -> ensure growth.

  • Monitor the performance of the competition. Proposals to change the product / service offer and implement and launch new value offers to gain or maintain competitive advantage.

Develop strategic agreements with partners in different markets
  • Collaboration agreements with companies that complement our product and increase the added value of the entire operation.

  • Creation of the figure of a KAM to manage large clients.

  • Launch of new products.

  • Diversification and creation of new sales channels.

Define which markets we want to be in and which ones we don’t want to be in
  • Determination of the optimal product portfolio for plants: Master Plan.

  • Support and help the implementation of investments aimed at improving the quantity and / or quality of products and customer service.

  • Develop and implement an appropriate marketing plan.

  • Prepare Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

    • In general, the cadence is every two years at the beginning, and then every three years, that is, one for each strategic plan, more or less.

    • They can also be done occasional, unplanned, before important events in the company, of which the client wants to know the opinion: for example, having been taken over by an international group, or another corporate movement.

    • They can be general, but they can also be particular: an example would be to know the opinion of the client after attending an important fair or similar event.

  • Creation of façade cladding channel.

  • Small canning -> smaller lots, higher price and margin.

  • Powerful sales team. Here we do not have to be stingy. In any circumstance, the best ones must be in the sales department, and the rest of the departments must know it and share this principle.

  • Customer Relationships Management -> it is important to have a customer relationship management system adapted to the needs of our company, in order to improve customer service and relationships with potential customers, on all three levels:

    • Sales management.

    • Marketing.

    • After-sales service.

    • Most ERPs have a CRM installed, but it is generally a paid option to have it active. In a transformation project it must be executed, without a doubt.

Costs Reduction – Manufacturing Efficiency – Lean Processes


Increased value-added time of operators
  • Elimination of waiting times, efficient operating instructions, job redistribution, etc.

  • Definition of the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) goals:

    • Definition of Productivity (P) (output versus input, different depending on the company process). 

    • Utilisation of the machine (U) -> number of hours that the machines are running at standard level.

    • Quality (Q) -> good pieces versus total number of produced pieces.

    • OEE = P * U * Q

  • Productivity improvement obtained: + 10.4%, measured in pieces / hour, Kgs / FTE, etc.

  • Same production with 161 less FTEs.

Increase the productive hours of the facilities
  • Reduction of downtime through fewer tool changes, change times, stops, with predictive-preventive maintenance vs. reactive, increased production speed,etc.

  • Depending on the type of process, it will be necessary to have a MES (Manufacturing Execution System). This is more typical of continuous production processes, or where the risk of the process is high. it is less common in batch or discontinuous processes.

  • Implementation of an automatic SFDC (Shop Floor Data Collection) system in the plant, which allows a PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle as quickly as possible.

  • Application of Lean principles:

    • SMED (Single Minute Exchange Die) -> quick changes in critical stop points.

    • VSM (Value Stream Mapping) for redefining critical factory processes.

    • Kanban on tools, consumables and spare parts.

    • 5Ss(Organisation, Order, Cleaning, Standardisation, Discipline and Habit) in workshop and offices, etc.

    • Scrum for projects and initiatives adapted to that methodology.

  • Reduction of machine downtime hours by applying high standard maintenance, through:

    • Computer-assisted Maintenance Management (CMMS) to obtain time and cost data by Homogeneous Functional Group (HFG), machine and / or element.

    • Standardization of maintenance management indexes that allow us to determine the availability of machines through:

      • The mean time between failures (MTBF).

      • The Mean Time to Repair (MTTR).

      • Average cost of maintenance with respect to the invoicing of the company, HFG, equipment or element.

    • Creation of an office for the Planning and Scheduling of maintenance tasks, based on a general system of maintenance work orders (WOs), with the following main attributions (as in all cases, it can be given others):

      • Planning of the maintenance work indicated in the WOs created by the client departments (mainly Production) or by the department itself (in the case of preventive WOs, for example).

      • For each of the tasks defined in the WOs:

        • Allocation of necessary resources.

        • Creation and maintenance of the necessary procedures.

        • Coordination with the Technical Office of the drawings and the precise technical documentation.

      • Collection of the data used to calculate the costs of each OT:

        • Materials.

        • Company workforce.

        • Subcontracted labor.

      • Maintenance of maintenance contracts with subcontracted companies, in any of the modalities that may occur, especially ensuring that no contracts are given for administration, under any circumstances, as this contractual modality is subject to the labor loan. Therefore, the contracts may be:

        • To budget.

        • Unit rate.

        • By goals.

        • Per unit of production.

        • Others that may occur in the company.

      • Management of the budgets of the maintenance works that are the object of this modality, in any of the ways that we have indicated in the previous point.

      • Be a key part of the maintenance budget preparation, providing all the necessary data, ratios and statistics to make a precise and cost-conscious maintenance budget.
  • Implementation of a Predictive-Preventive Maintenance (PPM) system that allows us to reach optimal Preventive versus Corrective Maintenance ratios. All based on some or all of these techniques:

    • Vibration analysis. Data collector. Creation of a minimum level II inspector.

    • Tribology -> oil analysis.

    •  Thermography

    • Ultrasonic for dynamic equipment.

    • Specific analysis of problems in three-phase CA motors.

    • Other sophisticated systems of movement of structures by augmented vision.

    • Preventive Maintenance Inspection Techniques:

      • Ultrasonic thickness measurement.

      • Detection of cracks and fissures by penetrating liquids.

      • Legal maintenance.

  • 20% increase in OEE.

  • Increase in productive hours obtained: + 12% on average.

  • Reduction of tool and tool change times: -13%.

Creation of an Industrial Competitiveness department
  • Mission:

    • Guarantee that the most modern technologies for work organization and continuous improvement are applied in the factories, in accordance with the principles of lean management, in such a way that maximization of output is combined with minimization of input, ensuring quality and in a safe environment.

  • Creation of a team of technicians (2-3 people) with factory and maintenance training.

  • They will be responsible for implementing and spreading the culture of continuous improvement. Consolidate the improvements, turn them into new standards in the organization, and start with the next improvement action. PDCA cycle.

  • Research and bring to the company the most advanced techniques in the field of competitiveness:

    • Augmented reality.

    • Visual factory -> information screens system.

    • Lean Management -> the different techniques have been indicated above.

Reduction of non-quality and environmental costs
  • Preparation of control guidelines, procedures, instructions, standards, in accordance with the productive structure of the company.

  • Application of the principle of the four eyes, etc.

  • Investments in control elements.

  • Reduction of 15% on average.

Costs Reduction – Optimization of the Technical Processes


Reduction the Raw Material Cost
  • Optimization of the raw material loading mix.

  • Purchase of raw material in emerging countries and in steel mills for large volumes, and in service centers for specific needs.

  • Savings of up to 30% between both actions.

Lower the cost of consumables
  • Changes in technical processes that extend the life of tools and consumables.

  • Control of inventories of consumables and spare parts. Setting a target in volume and in rotation days.

Decrease in energy consumption
  • Improve the consumption of the large consumers in the factory.

  • Optimization of electricity and gas electricity contracts.

  • 15% decrease in the cost of gas, due to improvement of temperature curves in heating furnaces.

Reduction of waste
  • Elimination of losses, surpluses, rework, excess thickness, excess length, etc. (not charged to the client).

  • Reduction obtained: from 20% in 2017 to 17.7% in 2018.

Cash, Treasury and Inventories Management


  • Weekly monitoring of the treasury, working capital lines and short-term credits and loans in general.

  • Regular meetings with the Banks to find out our position.

  • Liquidity cannot fall below a value (different according to each company).

Cost control plan
  1. Regardless of the situation of the company, and even more if it is critical or at least concerning, it is good to have a cost containment plan. Logically it will vary depending on the before-mentioned situation, but we must always take these five steps into account:
  2. Analyse the income and expense accounts.

  3. Prioritise expenses.

  4. Make a budget and control it.

  5. Manage the surplus.

  6. Review the process.

Let’s go step by step.

  1. Analyse the income and expense accounts
  • In this first point we must analyse the income, expenses and debts (if any). The deeper the analysis, the more faithful the photo will be, and the better we will be able to prioritize and discriminate expenses.
    1. Income

      1. Which are they? Where do they come from?

      2. How often? Exact or variable date?

      3. Is it stable income?

    2. Expenses: it is the most complex block, due to the variety in their typology.

      1. How much is spent in the company?

      2. In which?

      3. How much money does each expense item take? Logically the main ones, and in any case, the more serious the problem is, the deeper the analysis has to be.

      4. We will categorize expenses into five fundamental types:

        1. Fixed: those basic ones, which we cannot leave out, and which are not linked to the activity, generally productive, of the company. Normally they are given in a mandatory and stable manner in the evaluation period (month, year): rentals, energy, Internet, etc.

        2. Fixed extra: those that meet the criteria of the previous point, but are not stable in the evaluated period: training, non-accrued bonuses, etc.

        3. Variables: those that are connected to the activity of the company: energy, maintenance, personnel (although some economic schools consider them fixed), etc.

        4. Ant: they are those that suppose a fairly stable or fixed amount, but that due to their atomization or because each of them is not relevant, they are not given too much importance: water consumption, small repairs, etc.o Unforeseen: the own word says so. They are those that are due to distractions and lack of anticipation, or to unforeseeable events, in many cases related to nature (floods, or storms with blackouts, etc.) or others.

    3. Debts: typical questions:

      1. What debts does the company have?

      2. Of what magnitude?

      3. What is the level of urgency to attend them?

    4. Indebtedness itself is not only not bad, but a structure of own and other funds is convenient. The bad thing is the excess of indebtedness.

  1. Prioritise expenses
  • This fundamentally means identifying those that are real from those that are superfluous, through a calm and rational screening of them, in order to not to return to the situation that has brought us here.
    1. Priority expenses. Within this group are logically:

      1. Fixed expenses.

      2. Extra fixed expenses.

      3. Debts.


        1. That the expenses are fixed, or fixed extras, does not mean that they have to be in the amount in which they appear. Therefore, good coordination between demanding departments and purchaser ones is essential to determine that what is demanded is exactly what is available, or it is at least, substantially close. And starting from there, the policies of the three offers to purchase, offer the possibility to compare alternatives, at least for the most significant items.

        2. With regard to debts, they should be cleared as soon as possible, so we pay maximum attention to the preferred ones, in a short / long-term balance.

    2. Superfluous expenses: we must remove ant expenses as much as possible, because they are mostly wasteful.

    3. Variable expenses: in this case, either we increase activity or decrease expenses. There is no other way to lower the ratio. Regarding the increase in activity and business, we have already talked about it in point 1. And regarding the reduction of unit expenses, the control and reduction policy must be the same as the one we have decided for the priority ones.

    4. Savings and investments: they are two different concepts. When we save, we are saving money to dispose of it in the future. Instead, when we invest, we seek to obtain a return on money saved, that is, a step further.

      1. The logical thing is that the financial department is in charge of both concepts, and converts the first into the second, much more since having immobilized money does not rent as before, with the new monetary policies. Now risk has to be taken.

      2. Although they are not an expense as such, it has to be made a monthly cost saving plan and go to meet them. The ideal is to have a goal as if it were a fixed expense, once, logically defined the activity that we are going to have in that month.

 3. Make a budget and control it

  • With ERPs and the appropriate methodology, there is an annual budget that is then divided into months according to certain criteria, which respond to the same cost concepts that we have discussed (fixed, variable, ant, etc).

  • If we are talking about a cost control plan, the logical thing is that each department has developed one in accordance with the spending criteria established in the company, and also with the objectives to be achieved.

  • It is very important to overcome the resistance to doing so, which is usually generalized, unless we are in the presence of managers who are very aware of the problem. The plans, therefore, must be realistic, but also ambitious and, above all, must not put the company’s activity at risk beyond a reasonable amount. Without activity, no cost control plan is required. The coordination of the exercise must be carried out by the economic-financial department.

  • It is very important to determine the expected activity in the horizon in which you want to define the cost control plan and the contribution margin (sales minus variable expenses) or total margin (sales minus total expenses) in total and in percentage that is going to get. This corresponds to the sales department, and it is usually the most difficult part of the exercise. Large companies carry out this exercise based on quarterly estimates requested by their Board of Directors or regulatory bodies in the case of listed companies in the presentation of results.

  • Once the previous exercise has been done, the cost part is done as if it were a new budget, with:

    • ABC cost methodology.

    • Zero-based budget.

    • Based on the historical proportions or ratios of each item and assuming that more or less they will be repeated in the year we are doing:

      • Annualized between 12 for the case of those that can be done (case of personnel costs, prorating the variable that supposes the extra payments, if there are any and in the months that there are).

      • Related to the volume of sales or contribution in the case of variables.

      • Related to the unit of productive measure (pieces, kilos, meters, etc).

      • Related to the total costs in the case of fixed ones.

      • Investments, which, although they are computed based on amortization, is a net cash outflow at the time the expense occurs.o

    • These are the most important parts. Of course, then there are financial expenses and savings, taxes, etc. Depreciations and Amortizations, not being a physical expense in themselves, are not necessary for the plan, since they are given according to the D&A plan itself.

  1. Surplus management
  • Once the review has been carried out, it is necessary to implement the agreed actions, and see what is done with the surplus. Typically, one of three things is done:

    • Amortize debt, especially at the beginning of the loans, when the interest is paid.

    • Invest in the company itself.

    • Place the surplus in financial products, something that in the current situation is increasingly complicated.

  • In any of the cases, it is the finance department that leads the process, and follows the directives of the management team.
  1. Process review
  • From time to time it is necessary to carry out a review of the process, to see if it has met expectations, to confirm what has been repaired, or to touch it up (PDCA cycle). The ideal is to carry out two cadences:

    • Monthly, to make reality adjustments based on how the deviation from the plan is. But the plan is not revised. It is reality that must be adjusted.

    • Quarterly, the plan should be reviewed, regardless of reality, but the more thoroughly the greater the deviation between the plan and reality is.

The plan must always be up to date. There are always unforeseen, and seasonal issues, that influence the future of the business. The economic-financial situation of the company is changing, and therefore the status of the plan must be faithfully reflected.

However, it is important not to become obsessed with control to the point that it conditions management in such a way that it can block it. It is the money that must work for the company, and not the other way around.Review the process.

Capital authorizations
  • Preparation of a capital authorization table, indicating who and for what in each level is authorized to spend or invest.
Inventory management
  • Definition of obsolete and non-moving stock.

  • Raw material just for orders versus batch manufacturing.

  • Proactive collective management of clients + commercial + financial + planning, etc.

  • Reduction of bottlenecks, homogenization of products, adaptation to capacity.

  • Reduction obtained: from 20% in 2017 to 17.7% in 2018.



Services and General Costs + Strategic Options


  • Functions included in Services and General Costs are understood to be all those that are not a direct part of the production process. It is what is commonly called in organizations as structure. Examples of this group are:

    • General Management, although in some cases it is not included because it is precisely of general nature, and therefore general and productive (both).

    • Human Resources or also called Human Capital Management.

    • Administration and Finance.

    • Strategy Department.

    • Communications abroad or also called Press Service.

    • Legal Advice, which in many cases also acts as the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

    • Internal Audit, which is mandatory in the case of listed companies to ensure the existence and compliance of an internal code of good conduct.

    • Others.

  • Rationalize the size of support functions.

  • Apply a spending austerity policy that makes the majority of expenses (proportionally) be in operational functions. In each company it is different, but it is important to set the general cost burden on the operations.

  • Define the operational actions that are carried out from these functions: distinguish those that are essential from those that are avoidable and dimension the resources that both entail.

  • Analyze which of these functions can be outsourced and which should remain internal to support the core business.

  • Management of non-industrial assets (rental buildings, offices, etc.).

  • Design alternative contingency plans to the general strategy, based on the different challenges and scenarios that may arise.

Innovation, Investments and Information Technologies


R + D + i Department
  • Specific budget (objective according to type of company). This point is relevant, for two reasons:

    • Because it indicates a clear commitment by the company to innovation by providing it with specific resources. within the general budget of the company, and in accordance with the management plan for the year.

    • Because innovation is subject to a management control similar to the one for the rest of the functions. The opposite is «to see what we can do as the opportunities are coming.»

  • Grant Access: The department is the knowledge center for all things related to company grants.

  • Integration of R + D + i in Sales through the Customer Value Platform.

  • Definition of when an investment is profitable and its calculation method, according to the complexity and value of the investment:

    • Payback.

    • Return on Investment (ROI).

    • Net Added Value (NPV).

    • Internal Return Rate (IRR).

  • In the case of cash investment management, two criteria are established:

    • Only those whose cash on cash is <1 are accepted.

    • As a contingency plan, those with a ROI lower than the payment period for confirming (60 payment + 120 days of confirming = 180 days).

Information Technologies
  • Unique Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for the entire company. It will feed the essential information to:

    1. Know the real profitability of the products to align the organization with the key priorities («transforming a vision into specific objectives that everyone understands»).

      1. The global of the products sold and services offered, to calculate the global contribution margin and to know the capacity of sales to absorb fixed costs (profitability threshold or break-even point).

      2. The individual for each product, market, and sales person.

    2. The cost structure of the company, in general and for each cost or profit center.

    3. Serve as a central element to host the procedures and processes of the integrated quality, safety and environment system.

    4. Have the capacity to host all the company’s management indexes – Key Performance  Indicators (KPIs) derived from the management plan, as well as from the various working teams.

    5. Support the entire financial area: treasury-cash management, bank management, balance sheet and Profit and Loss account.

    6. Prepare as many reports as necessary to know what is happening in the company and inform stakeholders, especially the Board of Directors and / or property.

  • Promote integrated information systems and performance management (mainly email and other programs).

  • Various information protection systems (in accordance with the Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPD)) and internal attacks (antivirus).

  • Protected systems, so that they allow connections from outside through VPNs or equivalent secure systems -> teleworking.

  • We have already talked about the particular systems of each area or department (CRM, MES, integrated databases, CMMS, MS Project or Open Project, etc).

  • Implementation of 2 ERPs in different companies and times.

Working Environment


  • Develop the roles and talent necessary for transformation.

  • Have a clear organization chart with a description of the roles of each of the organization’s functions.

  • Build rigorous and operational performance management capabilities.

  • Maintain appropriate professional relationships with employee representatives.

Goals and Performance development Review (PDR)
  • Variable remuneration for the maximum possible number of people, and in particular, for those outside the company agreement, based on the fulfillment of SMART goals, an English acronym that means that each of the goals must be:

    • Specific. It must be referred to a specific area and the most limited possible.

    • Measurable. It must be measurable, under the principle that only what is measured is managed.

    • Achievable. They must have a motivating component, under the win-win principle for the company and the employee.

    • Realistic and Relevant. The pyramidal deployment of goals in the organization will ensure that only what matters is within the goals at each level of the organization.

    • Time-based, that is, limited in a space of time (generally, within the current year). There can be no «everlasting» goals.

  • In this way we guarantee that the evaluation is carried out in a correct and goal way.

  • These SMART goals are structured individually and as a group, as follows:

    • Fulfilling the EBITDA budgeted at the company level.

    • Distribution according to the group and individuality:

      • 10% to 20% of company goals. According to the level of responsibility of each one.

      • 20% to 30% of department goals. According to the level of responsibility of each one.

      • 50% individual goals.

      • Review of objectives -> minimum once a year.

  • Performance Development Review -> is where the supervisor and the supervised person work together in a meeting with no time limit, with a document previously prepared between them, based on a standard template, and which is always prior to setting the new goals.

  • In the case of people within the company agreement, logically they are subject to what appears there. However, there are formulas for economic and non-economic motivation for these employees, using discretionary methods that the law grants to the employer -> in this case an adequate pedagogy and explanation is required, and use these tools with great tact and measure. It must be clear that:

    • It is a measure that allows employees that we want to retain in the organization, not to leave it due to the fact that the company agreement equates everything in the remuneration system based on the category of the worker, regardless of the performance of its work in the company.

    • Discretion is a powerful weapon, but it can also work against us, so the argumentative must be as objective and neutral as possible.


Training and multi-skilling

  • Consideration of training as a strategic pillar: definition and deployment of training needs from the management through the departments, indicated in the strategy and executed according to the annual plans.

  • Internal and external training using all FUNDAE credits (or similar, depending on the country).

  • The goal is that each person on the personnel receives at least one course for each exercise.

Culture and behaviours
  • Execution of regular communication actions to make all stakeholders aware of the situation of the company and / or Group.

  • Setting up a team of change agents to embark the entire organization on change.

  • Work environment surveys – Employee Satisfaction Surveys (ESE).

    • In general, the cadence is one every two years.

    • They can be individuals, after some important event or issue that has taken place in the company, and of which it is important to know the opinion of the employees.

  • Employee manual: it is a small manual where aspects of the labor policy appear, which allows the integration of our employees in the company and the knowledge of the most important aspects of said policy, such as:

    • The Vision, Mission and Values.

    • Policies and rules _ who can do what.

    • The qualitative budget -> EED and review of objectives.

    • The commandments of management.

    • The internal communication policy.

    • The information systems security policy.

    • Travel and meeting policy.

    • Personnel recruitment procedure.

    • Functions of departments and employees.

    • The induction program for introducing new employees to the company.

    • Employee satisfaction surveys.

    • The employee company exit interview model.

    • Others.

  • Result: from 3.5 to 5.2 in 3 years in our work environment survey (ESS).

Prevention – Health and Safety (external and internal), Quality and Envirnment

Management (QUA-ENV-SAF)


  • Zero accidents. Non-negotiable.

  • Decrease in non-quality costs, in accordance with annual objectives.

  • Likewise with the emissions and environmental costs.

  • Create an integrated management system for Safety, Quality and Environment (Qua-Env-Saf), centralized or not, depending on the organization.

  • Prevention has a consultative and integrating nature between the different functions, but the responsibility for compliance with Security resides in the latter.

  • In quality and environment, two different scenarios can be arbitrated (both have their pros and cons, the first being more traditional and the second a more current variant):

    • Bring together the operational and systems part in a single command and department.

    • Divide the systems and operations part into different departments.

  • Investments in Security are prevalent.

  • Creation of a work permit linked to the Maintenance Work Orders (WOs) (see Strategy Nr. 2) with attached procedures and various levels of signature authorization depending on the risk of the work.

  • Measurement of Preventive Safety Observations:

    • Of situations.

    • Of behaviors.

  • Monthly Qua-Env-Saf meetings by department, and management at least quarterly.

  • All procedures and processes must be stored in a centralized system (Intranet or similar) that can be accessed by all employees in accordance with their permissions in the organization.

  • Qua-Env-Saf certifications -> it is not necessary to have them all, although it is convenient. But they require resources and dedication, so this must be analyzed depending on the resources of the organization and the demands of the sector and market.

  • All the actions carried out in this area should be aimed at depositing the decision-making capacity at the lowest possible level -> robust procedures and processes, without rifts or misunderstandings.

Health and Safety Committee
  • It meets 5 times a year, that is, every two months, although the Spanish law 31/1995 says 4 (other countries, check).

  • The President is always a member of the steering committee, preferably the Operations Director.

  • It has the participation of experts when appropriate.

  • Reporting: varied according to functions:

    • The H&S manager reports directly to the Managing Director.

    • The Quality and / or Environment department, if everything is brought together in a department, can also report to the Managing Director, or, where appropriate, to the Technology Director.

    • If Quality and Environment are divided into systems and operations, the former reports to the Technology Director, the latter being the responsibility of the Operations Director.

  • Depending on the organization, its activity and its impact on the outside of the company, it is important and sometimes even legally necessary to have fluent communication with firefighters, municipalities and neighborhood associations. This involves a communication plan and a clear procedure for how it is carried out, as well as regular coordination meetings.

  • Drop from 18 accidents with and without sick leave to only one with sick leave in 3 years.

Corporate or Business Social Responsibility (CSR or BSR)


  • Decide whether we want to have a CSR-BSR or not. It is very important, because it is not mandatory, its consequences are not easily seen in the Profit and Loss account, and once we start with it there is no going back, under penalty of leaving the company in a weaker position, and in general worse, than if no action had been taken in this field.
  • Train the management team on what a CSR-BSR is:

    • Actions necessary to carry it out.

    • Corporate obligations that it entails.

    • Expenses and resources incurred.

    • Define the degree of extension of the application of CSR-BSR, that is, how far we want to go with it.

  • Decision-making by the management team and the corresponding information to the Board of Directors.


    Creation of a working group to evaluate what is necessary to implement CSR-BSR.

  • Information to the social part, represented by the Labour Committee.

  • Set a target according to Turker’s CSR scale, or similar.

  • Decide an action plan in accordance with all of the above, setting objectives and execution times.