About me

I am a Senior Industrial Engineer with several masters (see the Training area). I am a professional from the industrial world, with extensive international experience. I have worked in top-level multinational organizations, leaders in their respective sectors, where I have learned the most appreciated technologies in my profession.

My work has focused mainly on Managing Direction, as well as Division and Operations Management, although in many important moments I have also had to carry out commercial work. All this gives me a complete broad perspective of the world of industrial organizations from the customer’s point of view, which is unusual for people with technical background.

I have developed a capability and capacity to manage highly challenging projects, which involve complex environment management turnarounds. I do this through process reorganization and reorientation, paying special attention to the details, fostering people and teams, and always from internal and external customer’s perspective. This entails a rigorous management of costs and also an improvement in the quality of sales, by expanding horizons and markets, which can be done on its own or with collaborative corporate agreements, either with suppliers, clients, and even with the competition.

My key advantage is my proven track record in successfully implementing such projects, and I’ve achieved this while embracing a wide range of different cultures, people and business sectors. The project dominates everything, the project is what gives substance to everything, and it is what determines the acceptance of the position, and not the place where it is found within the national geography.